Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

The Mantra Of Success – Think Positive

Everyone knows that if he or she wanted to be successful, he or she must think positive and stay positive. So, are you thinking positively?

positive thinking to successThinking positive is not the only key that you are going to require to open the door to success; however, it is considered one of the most important ones. Without this key, you will never accomplish great success in your life.

Just take a moment to think about it, how many times when you are facing an obstacle, you think positively and as a result, you discover the great things behind it? Or maybe there are times when you think negatively, and eventually they turn out as bad things?

Do you realize that most of the time when you think positively, the result you get will be positive as well? This is all because when you think positively, you will eventually act positively, and in the end you will get the positive results that you want. Although it may not be true all the time, but thinking positively does help in creating the successful life that you always desire.

If you are a salesman and its raining, you may feel lazy to go out to meet your clients. This is what is happening to most people out there. Just change your thinking a little and twist it and you can end up getting more sales during a rainy day. When it is raining, you will have fewer competitors because most people are lazy to go for appointments. When it is raining, your clients will feel impress because you truly take him seriously and wanted to serve him even if it is raining.

The same if you come across any failure in your life. As long as you take it as an experience and consistently doing it without giving up, you will eventually succeed. Do you want to know how to never fail? If you do not want to fail, never give up until you get the success you want. If you never give up, you will never fail. This is how extraordinary people produce amazing results in their lives.

Positive Thinking Is A Start

When an event occurs to you, the first thing that will happen is that you will think about something in your mind. What you think about will determine how you decide and how you act. This is why positive thinking is so important; it is the starting point of all success!

When you think that something is possible, you will try to do it and even if you fail, you will learn the experience. On the other hand, if you think it is impossible, you do not even bother to do a thing about it. How many times when something seems impossible to you, there is someone out there thinks that it is possible and accomplished it?

You know it very well that success is not an accident. You will become what you think about most of the time. If you plant an oat seed, you will always get an oat tree. There is no accident in this universe. You have to believe that everything is moving in harmony. Therefore, you will always get the results that you put into your mind. If you think negatively, you will get the outcomes that you do not want.

There Is No Harm In Thinking Positive

Somehow, you are going to think about something anyway, thus, since you are going to think about something, why don’t you just think positively?

You are not going to lose anything in thinking positively, hence, try to notice what are the thoughts that you put into your mind most of the time. When you notice that you are thinking something negative, do a pattern interrupt such as saying ‘cancel’ out loud and focus your thoughts into something positive.

For example, if you fall sick, instead of thinking about your bad condition and bad health, think about how you can take a rest and maybe read some books or how you can spend time thinking and strategizing for your future. If you fall and injured yourself, do not think about how bad the situation will be, instead, think that you are lucky because you did not break your leg or something. As long as you are alive, everything will be great for you.

It may not be easy, but with a lot of practice and focusing on the right thoughts, you can change your thought and thus, change your life.

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