Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Best Day Ever

I reached my 16th, 2 days ago, last Thursday.
So I would have to say today…Umm, well technically yesterday 25th oct 2012…is probably one of the best days of my life so far. Definitely the best birthday ever!!!

It was planned by my closest friends 1ts<3 p="p">They said they will not come to my birthday party.
My tweety had said he wouldn't come too.
It's good enough to breaks me.

But they came, all of them. I was touched and shocked. I swear i loveeeeeee them :*

Not just it, some of my friend give me something. Flour, detergent and eggs smashing at late at night. Lol

I don't know what to say anymore. All i can say is "THANK YOU GUYS".
Thank you so much for throwing the best surprise birthday party eeeeeverrr.

I won't forget this for the rest of my life. I love you sooooo much guysss ...

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