Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Best Day Ever

I reached my 16th, 2 days ago, last Thursday.
So I would have to say today…Umm, well technically yesterday 25th oct 2012…is probably one of the best days of my life so far. Definitely the best birthday ever!!!

It was planned by my closest friends 1ts<3 p="p">They said they will not come to my birthday party.
My tweety had said he wouldn't come too.
It's good enough to breaks me.

But they came, all of them. I was touched and shocked. I swear i loveeeeeee them :*

Not just it, some of my friend give me something. Flour, detergent and eggs smashing at late at night. Lol

I don't know what to say anymore. All i can say is "THANK YOU GUYS".
Thank you so much for throwing the best surprise birthday party eeeeeverrr.

I won't forget this for the rest of my life. I love you sooooo much guysss ...

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

Getting Closer

It's sunday today. It's not my birthday but it will be my day on Thursday.
Yeah, october 25th is that day i celebrate my birthday. 
Well, i'm getting older! Time goes by so fast. Seems like i just celebrated my 15th birthday. And nowww i almost reach my 16th.

It's not as exciting as when I was 7 and couldn't wait to be 8 and couldn't wait again to be 9 and always like that..

I remember when i'm just a little kid, i always celebrate the day i was born. And i'm totally happy bcause of it. But now? I don't really know how i feel.

I have no idea what I should do for my birthday...I'm not really sure if anything sounds good.
I'm on my busy activity but there will be a party in my home. Whatever gonna happen, i wish i'll be happy on that day..

Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

Love Letter

Dear my tweety,

I know I can't give you the whole world, but I can promise you I will always love you. If I haven't told you, now i will let you know that i am so lucky to have you in my life. When you’re near me I feel like everything in the world is right, and I know I don't have to ask God for anything because as long I have you in my life I have everything I could ever want. All I want to do is spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you have made me.
My heart is yours, and even though I know I’ll make mistakes, I will never break your heart. I’ll be right beside you as we chase our dreams together.
Baby, thank you for loving me the way you do. I just hope that the love I give to you is enough for what you have done to me.

Love always,

Your tweety

Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

I choose to love you

I’m afraid to give you my all, I’m afraid to love you completely.
But the truth is I have given you my all, and I do love you completely. I really do.

I choose him because he choose to love me for me. Not for what I can do. Not for my looks, or my physical abilities, but for who I am when I am with him and when I'm not. Whenever I make him mad, he still chooses to love me. He was willing to change for me.

I love you because I know you’re always there… there to catch me when I fall… there to listen when I need you, there when I feel alone.
I love you because you understand me… you know how I feel even when I can’t say it...
I love you because you know, you know I feel this way but can’t say it and still you wait… letting me take my time to come to terms with the fact that I love you… would give my life up to be with you… and above all… never hurt you… lie to you… or leave you. Now I hope you understand.

I LOVE YOU. I love your name, I love the way you look at me, I love the way you walk, I love your eyes, I love the sound of your laugh, to hear your voice fills my entire heart with an indescribable feeling. I love the way I can be having the worst day of my life and seeing you completely changes my mood.

Maybe it’s the way you grab my hand and hold it… or the way you kiss me… or maybe it’s the way you let me put my arms around you… maybe it’s the way you look at me… maybe it’s the way we can text or talk for hours about absolutely nothing... maybe it’s the way that I want to cry when I think about how you always try to understand me… maybe that’s it… that makes me love you.. maybe that’s what makes me miss you so much.. maybe that’s why I’m so afraid of losing you now.. maybe I love you with all my heart..
The truth is you make me happy.. I fall more in love with you each day..

He’s my “tweety”, “sugarplum”, “pumpy-umpy-umpkin”, “sweety-pie”, “cuppy cake”, “honey bunch”, “apple of my eye”, “sweetheart”, “pulpy”, “snoopy”, “scoopyscooby” and sooooo many many moreee nick. lol

He’s the reason of my smile.

You know baby, if you're reading this one, i just wanna say thank you for all :)

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012


Honestly, i'm scared.
I'm afraid, when i finallly really love you and then you leave me.

Not as good as i thought

I don't what to do, say, act or react. All i can do is be silent. I'm angry for no reason. But maybe, just maybe, i'm a little jeal****..
My Goddd, stupid me!!!

Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

I love you tweety

When I first met you, I honestly didn't know you were gonna be this important to me.

I had someone in my life now. Someone who's willing to take my heart.
I love him for sure. More than he would ever known, more than i ever showed.

When i first met him, i didn't plan to fall in love with him.
I thought he just gonna be one of my friend. But more than i imagine, he became a part of my life.
All he ever did, any attempt, how he always try to understand me, how he never gave up on me, it made me love him even more.
I wish he could stay that way. I wish he wouldn't change, tomorrow and the next day.

He loves me for who i am. He loves me at my worst, and so i think he deserve me at my best.
All i can do is love him the way he did. I will always try my best :)

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012


Kangen blog gue. Kangen nulis. Tapi ga kangen galaunya waktu nulis.
Gue udah sibuk bgt jadinya jarang nulis deh.
Kisah hidup gue pun udah jauh lebih baik. Ntar gue ceritain