Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

When a lot becomes too much

I've been making myself busy, it's the only way to cover up the sadness I feel.
Well I used to think that if I keep myself busy, I wont end up alone in my room crying, at least..

My boyfriend tells me I overthink everything and I spend too much time thinking but I just like to ponder the world and try my best to think of ways to make my loved ones happy. I love thinking of little things to make him smile. Or if he's having a bad day I'll think all day about what I can do to cheer him up. Same goes for my family. But I do overthink. Something bad will happen and I'll continuously think about what I could have done to prevent it even if it wasn't my fault or I couldn't control it. But really I think the good outweighs the bad for me..

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